SunBird’s Kare Bears delivered toys to be distributed to Chandler area children.
Rosie VanderVeen
The Kare Bear Board delivered toys to fire house No. 10 to be distributed to children living in the Chandler area. This is a holiday tradition and the Board delights in choosing these items each year. They don’t mind mixing with these good looking fireman, either!
What a Christmas luncheon we had in December! We were entertained with Christmas favorites by SunBird’s favorite talented musicians, Wayne and Kate Chambers. We were amply nourished, possibly eclipsing delicacies of the previous year (if that is even possible)! Meat entrees, side dishes, and an array of lovely salads and coleslaw. Desserts to die for; brownies, cookies, pies, cakes and pumpkin bars. Who says women don’t cook anymore?
Our party received a surprise when Santa and his elf stopped by to visit and kibitz with Mrs. Santa Claus and her girlfriends.
Kare Bear members donated canned goods which will be taken to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank by Aggi and Mary Regan who are volunteers at the establishment. Our members are so very generous in the support of this food drive.
The December Kare Bear was a flurry of residents, guests and varied vendors. In addition to the white elephant table, a boutique table was set up which featured valuable and collectible items. Raffle tickets were sold for the two handmade quilts donated. Kare Bear faires began in 1993. Most pieces at that time were items crafted by individuals in the organization.
The November meeting speaker was Joyce Chadwell of My Sister’s Place. This emergency crisis organization, established in 1985, provides sanctuary and subsistence to families in need with a goal to transitional living. They have assisted multiple thousands of families through the years with transportation, counseling, resume compilation, and guidance with government funding if applicable. The facility houses about 35 individuals and is designed to replicate a comfortable homey environment.
The January meeting will be on Wednesday, January 20 at 1:00 p.m. Our speaker will be a social worker and advocate for the homeless, Raijani Rastogi, who is employed by Hamilton High School. She works with the homeless and needy students within the school. Joyce Chadwell from My Sister’s Place works conjointly with her assisting children in the shelter who attend high school.
The second annual Kare Bear sponsored golf tournament will take place on Saturday, February 27 at 9:00 a.m. The format is four person scramble, 120 players maximum! Hurry and get your foursome together! For the meager price of $40 per person you will enjoy lunch, homemade desserts and prizes. What a bargain! Flyers will be posted in conspicuous areas! The tournament results will be reported in the March issue of Sunbird News.
We again would like to thank the SunBird community for generously donating items to the Kare Bears. We appreciate you! All fundraiser profits are contributed to varied and numerous creditable charities in Chandler. We are a philanthropic group!