Canadian team

American team
Here it is – April already and the end of another exceptional season!
What a way to end our season! Sholiem Cup, Couples Shoot Outs and, of course, the club Championships!
I am not reporting on all those events, because some are already in this very paper, while others will be in May’s paper due to timing. I do want to say congratulations to ALL competitors and, of course, the winners, and a special thank you to each person who volunteers their time to make these events fun.
Exciting news from the course is that everyone had fun during the Sholiem Cup; however, the Americans had just a little more fun than the Canadians. I have heard rumors that the Canadians plan to change that next year!
And, of course, Pat Arnold is ending the season on a very fun note with her second hole-in-one! Way to go, Pat!
I know for many of you April means preparing to head home for the summer, whiles others are planning ways to stay cool during their summer here in Arizona. While April seems to be a time to say goodbye to good friends and golf partners, let’s take a moment to say hello to your 2017-2018 SunBird Ladies Board of Directors – President Tammy Bachofner, Vice President Melissa Craig, Treasurer Cheryl Moore and Secretary Lisa Onyx.
Congratulations and a special thank you to all of our board members and committee members for volunteering to help create a fun place to meet new friends, greet old ones and, of course, an amazing place to golf each year! It takes a lot of bodies, time and planning to keep us going each year, so here is a shout-out to each of you for your service! Thank you.
Of course, I cannot end this article without a huge THANK YOU to our out-going Board of Directors (Karen Gilmore, Jane Sirois and Heather Verbitsky) and all our committee members! They have set the stage and leave us all with big shoes to fill. Thank you for your dedication and everything that you ladies have accomplished.
Upcoming events:
Fly home or to a new vacation spot
Take a road trip
Go visit SunBird friends around the States and Canada
Play golf . . . and then do it all again
Wherever you are playing, hit ‘em long and straight, but most of all, have fun!