January 2016 Shuffleboard winners
Marty Eckstein
We had a great turnout for this season’s tournament. Lots of spectators and a big group enjoyed the lunch. Taking 1st place was Jan Sieth and Janet Farrell; 2nd place was Delphi Godsil and Harvey Simmons; and 3rd place went to Karen Button and Marty Eckstein. Thanks Al and Janet Farrell for organizing this successful tournament. Also a big thank you goes to Jean Logosz and Pat Simmons for putting on a delicious lunch.
We will be having our ‘shuffleboard by lights’ on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:00 p.m. and a potluck on the patio on Tuesday, March 22 at 4:00 p.m.
I want to also thank the Shuffleboard for Fun players for making this group such an enjoyable success.