Rose Pachura
The Ladies Community Chit and Chat Breakfast Group will meet on the second Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at Sun Lakes Cottonwood Country Club, 25219 S. EJ Robson Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, in the Saguaro Room starting at 9:45 a.m. A hot breakfast will be served for $11 per person, which includes coffee, tea, and tip. We will go around the room for each person to give information that is needed. Mail checks to Rose Pachura or give cash.
Meet and Greet—RSVP is needed!
We are having a Meet and Greet Luncheon starting on Feb. 21 to get together to meet and greet other ladies. RSVP is needed. At the meeting, we will hand out a list for everyone to sign up for the luncheon and the location. Come meet and greet other ladies in our community to share ideas and fun times together.
So, let’s talk! Share your ideas and talents with new friends and former friends. Talk about memories, accomplishments, family, or a loss. Find solutions to everyday problems and frustrations and maybe even conquer updates on computer and technology usage and answers to trusts, health issues, and everyday difficulties and investment knowledge and home safety.
Bring your friends, neighbors, and relatives and come for a relaxing, fun-filled morning and go home being inspired and uplifted and looking forward to coming back for another meeting.
Please make a reservation by the deadline of Monday, March 9, 2020, for seating arrangement. All are welcome.
For reservations and information, contact Rose at 480-802-0775.