Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Holds Annual CUSD High School Student Speech Competition

Students (left to right): Lucy Davis, Casteel sophomore, Eating Disorder/Culture; Charlotte Yeh, Perry junior, Following the Crowd; Leela Raj-Sankar, Hamilton senior, Ethical Consumption; Ryu Long, Chandler junior, Think Before Speak; Siyaa Poddar, Arizona College Prep sophomore, Curiosity Killed the Cat; Matthew Garza, Basha junior, Student Burnout; with Bill McCoach, RCSL Four-Way Test Speech Competition lead.

Dr. Honora Norton, RCS Public Image Director

The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) held its 10th Annual Rotary International Four-Way Test Speech Competition. Six students from six different Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) high schools competed. The purpose of the seven- to five-minute speech is to apply the principles of Rotary International’s (RI) Four-Way Test to a current ethical issue. The Four-Way Test addresses: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Judges at the event included Leo Schlueter, CUSD Elementary Schools West Region; Dr. Craig Gilbert, CUSD Associate Superintendent PreK-12 Educational Services; Frank Narducci, CUSD Superintendent of Schools; Kevin Pitts, RI District 5495 District Governor; and Dan Serrano, CUSD Executive Director Secondary Education, high schools. RCSL Rotarian Bill Schink served as contest scorekeeper.

Bill McCoach announced the following placement awards: first place, $500: Leela Raj-Sankar, Hamilton senior, with the topic Ethical Consumption; second place, $250: Siyaa Poddar, Arizona College Prep sophomore, with the topic Curiosity Killed the Cat; runners-up, $100: Lucy Davis, Casteel sophomore, with the topic Eating Disorder/Culture; Charlotte Yeh, Perry junior, with the topic Following the Crowd; Ryu Long, Chandler junior, with the topic Think Before Speak; and Matthew Garza, Basha junior, with the topic Student Burnout.

For more information about Rotary Club of Sun Lakes programs and membership, see