Rangers Assist Law Enforcement

Michael Berry

The Arizona Rangers-Sun Lakes Company, Scottsdale PD, MCCCD PD, Mesa PD, and the Mesa Cadet program assisted the Arizona Law Enforcement Outreach and Support program in August. Hosted by Grimaldi’s Pizza in South Scottsdale and the program’s sponsors, Project Blue Back “Pack” to School Program provides backpacks and school supplies to deserving kids.

Arizona LEOS provides the opportunity for diverse groups to come together to create and implement proactive Community Policing programs that will bring the law enforcement community and the community they serve closer together.

If you would like to donate any amount to the Arizona Law Enforcement Outreach and Support program, contact them at www.azleos.org. In December, Arizona LEOS will sponsor their annual Shop With A Cop with a Sheepdog. Shop With A Cop is an event that focuses on underprivileged children and families within a local community. Law enforcement officers spend time with the children and shop with them in a local store. During the event, the children are given a gift certificate to purchase presents they want in the store. The police officer acts as a chaperone and companion to the children throughout the day as they shop for gifts.

If you would like to learn more about your Sun Lakes Rangers, go to www.azrangerssunlakes.org.