Jolene Isom and Amy Cooper (Joe Dingeldein in the background)
Suzanne Lipke
Spring has arrived in Arizona, and the weather has been perfect! The SunBird Pickleball Club has had a busy couple of months. Pete Prucha, our local Gearbox representative and friend, organized a “Novice Clinic” for some of our newer players on Feb. 21 and 28. Everyone enjoyed the chance to work on some skills, court positioning, and strategy—and have a chance to play some fun games, too.
We also had an “Everyone’s Birthday” party on Feb. 20, with cakes, balloons, music, and birthday cards, outdoors at the picnic tables near the courts (maintaining that social distancing, of course). It was lots of fun, and the Pickleball Club purchased a “Pickle by LOBSTER” ball machine, too, with orientation for club members on March 2, and March 13. Additional orientation sessions will be added soon and in the fall when, hopefully, more members return to SunBird.
We also had our End of Season “Round Robin and Picnic” outdoors at the picnic tables this year on Saturday, March 27. We’re happy so many club members and their family members came out to enjoy the day.
Whew! That’s a lot of pickleball! But, of course, there’s more to come. If you want to learn how to play pickleball, sign up on the new player orientation sheet found in the pickleball glass case in the breezeway across from the post office. You can also call Dan and Marianna at 480-285-4501 for more information. Since Jan. 1, we have welcomed 15-plus new club members and always have room for more! Club hours are also posted in the glass case and can be found in the kiosk in the clubhouse. See you on the courts!