Thomas Catri, Chief of Patrol
Over the last few months while conducting our overnight parking rules enforcement, we have noticed a situation where some residents have been inappropriately using their guest cards in their own vehicle to convey to the Patrol and others that it’s okay to park in the street overnight, i.e., parking overnight in the street permanently. Under SunBird Golf Resort Rules and Regulations, Article 11 – Traffic Regulations, Section 2 states, “Homeowners, visitors, friends, and relatives of owners may park on the street if prior notification is given to the SunBird Patrol or by displaying a SunBird Guest Card on the driver’s side of the dashboard for less than 30 nights.”
The Patrol continues to observe too many drivers of golf carts and bicyclists ignoring stop signs because, maybe after all, it’s only an HOA stop sign. All homeowners and their guests are obligated to obey all State of Arizona vehicle traffic laws while within the boundaries of the HOA. As a resident, you are not exempt or free from this obligation because you live in a private gated community with private streets. All of our posted stop and speed limit signs in SunBird certainly do apply to everyone. Bicyclists have the very same rights and responsibilities as motorists. Vehicles and cyclists must come to a full stop at all stop signs and yield to other vehicles and pedestrians prior to proceeding. This includes stop signs on golf cart paths, at crossing streets and on roads. There have been reports of vehicles and cyclists almost colliding at intersections. The personal safety of our residents and their guests are at risk every day due to some residents who totally disregard the normal driving laws simply because they are within the confines of a gated community. Why wouldn’t you want to stop at a stop sign and drive your golf cart or ride your bicycle safely in your own neighborhood?