Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

The Appeal of Hiking

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club It’s not always easy to describe why so many people like to hike. It’s exercise, certainly. You see great scenery, of course. The views from the top can be exhilarating, for sure. But you can drive up to the top of places like South Mountain to enjoy the scenery…

Computer Booters Summer Schedule

Helen Seaton The Computer Booters Club will suspend the weekly forums and general meetings for the summer. May’s general meeting will be the last presentation until we resume in September. We will still be sending out the weekly articles and holding the monthly Help Desk at 2 p.m. on the third Sunday of the month…

JWV Joins Forces with ARC to Support the Troops

Jewish War Veterans Copper State Post 619 (JWV) supports many of Arizona’s veterans nonprofit organizations throughout the year with funds raised primarily from Poppy Drives at Fry’s stores and Mesa Market Place twice a year. JWV recently presented a check for $1,000 to Support the Troops (STT), a nonprofit club set up within the Ahwatukee…

Desert Threads Enjoyed Another Fun Year

Sue Bart The May 10 meeting was the annual meeting and the last one for our current year, July 2023 through June 2024. Desert Threads quilters had a fun year, thanks to the hard work of the board of officers. The meeting featured some excellent trunk shows of applique quilts and information by Nancy Starkey…

Retired Airline Pilot Briefs Aero Club Gathering

Gary Vacin “Sipping coffee at FL 350 and getting paid for it.” That’s how a recently retired airline captain described his 30-year career as a professional pilot during a presentation to the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering on April 22. The speaker was John Philp who logged more than 23,000 hours of flying time, including…