Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Social Events

Wii Bowling Mondays, July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, Horizon Room, 3:30 p.m. Join us for a fun night of Wii Bowling! Wii Bowling is held every Monday in the Horizon Room and continues through the month of August. We hope to see you there! Bean Bag Baseball Wednesdays, July 3, 17, and 31,…

It’s Time to Trim Your Palm Trees

ACC Committee Now that all the flowers have come out, palm trees should all be trimmed by the end of the month. We are now in monsoon season, with the high winds and heavy rains. These palm trees leave unsightly debris throughout the community and can cause damage to your home or your neighbors’ homes.…

SunBird Post Office Reminder

Jan Griffin, Manager, SunBird Post Office There will be an increase in First Class stamps, effective July 14. They will increase from 68 cents to 73 cents for a single stamp. Books of 20 will sell for $14.60. Coils of 100 will sell for $73. A reminder: We accept cash or checks only! Our summer…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The board of directors met for a regularly scheduled meeting on May 20, 2024. These are the notes from that meeting. Board members present: Dan Buescher, Nancy Eckstein, Chuck Heitbrink, Bob Lama, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney. Dave Edington and Dirk Close had excused absences. The meeting was called to order by President Nancy…