Smoking Regulations Update

Denim & Diamonds Dance

Cheers Singles Group News

Pickleball Club

Golf Course Update

Dave White, Golf Course President Happy summer! I would like to address a few things. We realize the condition of the retention ponds is not what it should be. Some of the problem is the depth of the ponds. After 30 years of run-off from the streets and homeowner houses, the ponds have collected a…

Palm Trees

Bonnie Marcus, ACC Committee There has been a lot of communication about waiting to trim your palm trees until late June and July. All palm trees should now be trimmed, but as we all know, this is not the case. With the monsoon season here, the high winds really cause a mess in everyone’s yards.…

Reminder from the ACC Committee

From time to time we must be reminded of some of the ACC Guidelines. With new homeowners moving in, they are not always familiar with some of the guidelines, and a few of us have forgotten some of the guidelines. The ACC Committee would like to remind all of our homeowners that mirrored, aluminum foil,…