Concrete counters on the patio have been completed. The work was done by nine SunBird resident volunteers: George Adams, Dave Meyers, Wayne Blosh, Marty Eckstein, Dan Buescher, Bob Hoffman, Wayne Matthews, John Brockish, and Bill Hook.
We’ve all read how Crystal Cards (CC) refurbishes greeting cards, sells them for $1, then donates the funds to My Sister’s Place (MSP). We’d like you to learn a little more about MSP and how your contributions have helped. Domestic violence can happen anywhere, to anyone, at any time. MSP, a 24-hour domestic violence shelter,…
The always-popular Community Auction and Golf Tournament weekend is back. The auction will be held on Friday, Jan. 24, at 1 p.m. on the patio. The Founders Cup Golf Tournament is on the following day, Saturday, Jan. 25. The big-ticket auction item will be the refurbished golf cart offered by A-1 Golf Carts, our corporate…
Nearly 250 party-goers kicked off the SunBird autumn season at the Nov. 9 Denim & Diamonds dance. In true SunBird style, full-time residents welcomed back the snowbirds and guests as they danced the night away to the music of the band Flashback Cadillac. Boots were scootin’, heels kicked up, and glasses were raised! Jeans, jewels,…
SunBird resident Frank Principati recently competed in a powerlifting national weightlifting event, which was held Nov. 5-10 at the Horseshoe Hotel in Las Vegas. Frank won first place in the Deadlift event in his age and bodyweight competition. He was successful with a lift of 235 pounds in his weight class of 123 pounds and…
Jack Cooper Now that fall has officially arrived and our winter residents are returning to wonderful SunBird, it’s time to start thinking chili! Yes, the Third Annual Chili Cook-Off is just around the corner. Please put Jan. 22 on your 2025 calendar. You truly won’t want to miss this event. The cook-off begins at 5…