Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Thank You, Bill!

SunBird would like to thank Bill Hook for his many years of service on the Planning and Project Committee. During his tenure with the committee, Bill has assisted and completed 157 Capital Improvement projects within SunBird! Thank you, Bill. SunBird appreciates all that you have done!

Social Events

SunBird Lions Bingo Friday, Jan. 3 and 17, Ballroom, 5:30 p.m. SunBird Lions Bingo is back for another exciting season. As usual, our season runs through April on the first and third Friday of the month. Ticket sales begin at 5:30 p.m., and the first game begins at 6:30 p.m. There are 15 games nightly.…

SunBird Post Office

Welcome back to our winter visitors. We’re looking forward to seeing you! We hope you enjoy your time with us and stay healthy! A few reminders to share from the SunBird Post Office: We cannot accept bills larger than $20 before 10 a.m. and after 1 p.m. If you plan to be gone for a…

Interested in Joining a Committee?

SunBird has a variety of committees with specific charters to assist the board of directors. Committees help by studying and reviewing suggested ideas and comments to improve SunBird. The committees are Architectural Control (ACC), Finance, Planning and Project Review, Rules Compliance, and Welcome and Marketing. Committee member terms (March through February) are for one year…

SunBird Patrol

We at the Patrol hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. Let’s all start the new year off with a resolution to make SunBird the safest community in Chandler. Here are a few safety reminders to help everyone be a little safer throughout the year: First off, when walking after dark, remember…