Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

January SunBird Garden Club meeting

Donna Bergmann and Jennifer Walden share a laugh while discussing the upcoming March 8 Garden Club Home Tour. Tickets will be on sale at the HOA office.

Donna Bergmann did a delightful and informative presentation on Whimsy in the Garden. It included a wonderful planting of sedum and other plants using a birdcage. There was also a segment on how to plant a vertical plastic bloom bag that you can hang on walls and fences. They have been all the rage the…

Pathways to Peace

Join Lois Valleau, Sarah Kelzenberg and Catharina Cupples for the Equinox weekend!

Lois Valleau Ask anyone and they will tell you they’d like to see more peace in the world. Usually that means they ought to change and then I will be more peaceful. What if I was to suggest that peace in the world really is an inner journey? The more peace you and I can…

February Art Club news

Sharon Eade February brings about the thoughts of love. As members of the Art Club, we share such a wonderful love of art as appreciation of the masters and artists around the world; the love of creating art for ourselves, our families and friends; and potentially a chance to share that love with others. The…