Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird Community Church

Bob Neuman The word “comfort” could have several connotations and involve family, friends, living conditions, health, etc. SunBird holds a reputation for providing its residents a comfortable environment. Our comfort could arise from many worldly sources, and our Lord provides these things, but when times become really bad, He may be our only guaranteed source…

Footnotes from the Library

Nancy Smith There’s something happens When we think of May. A subtle rebirth Comes to play. With splashes of color From flowers and trees, Lots of allergies To make us sneeze. Do you think of trips? Do you want to roam? Or perhaps you’re happy Just staying home. Work-play-laugh-rest, Your SunBird Library Has just one…

Email news group

SunBird has an e-mail newsletter and special notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for this SunBird e-mail list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at and click on the icon picture of the e-mail chimp (monkey) at the top of…

SunBird Personalities – Hank and Pat Miller

Hank and Pat Miller

Bob Neuman Ask this couple what they dislike about SunBird and you will receive a quick and candid answer – nothing! “We like the community, the friendly people, and think Layne is the best manager there is. We hope he never leaves,” said Hank Miller as his wife, Pat, nodded an agreement. After visiting in…

Shuffleboard for fun

Shuffleboard ends its season

Marty Eckstein The final tournament held in February was a great success. The results were Tony Asmundson and Marty Eckstein in first place, Ken Jansen and Jerry Logosz in second, Neal Schoenborn and Nancy Eckstein in third and Bill Hackett and JR Fleming in fourth. Thanks to Ken Jansen and Jerry Logosz for organizing the…

Grief/Share Recovery Group

George Walker, Pastor of Special Ministries Beginning Friday, June 5, we will begin the next 13 week series of Grief/Share. Grief/Share is a grief recovery supported group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you…