Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Hard Rock Award

Bernie Logan shows off his battle wounds while receiving the Hard Rock Award.

During the spring shop cleanup day, the Lapidary Club gave special recognition to long-time SunBird resident and club member, Bernie Logan, by bestowing on him the Hard Rock Award. The somewhat tongue in cheek award was bestowed on the 89 year old “In recognition of his outstanding (or stupid) effort in ascending successfully to the…

Catch and release

Earlier this year with donations, about 600 bluegill fish were stocked in the lake at the Clubhouse. Fishing is welcome by SunBird residents and their guests. The fishing restriction is catch and release. Please use barbless hooks when fishing to make it easier to release any fish caught and allow the fish to continue to…

Korean War Veterans news for September

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, September 22 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. Our guest speaker will be attorney Wesley G. Davis, P.C. Wes, a former bank trust officer, has over 25 years of legal experience in areas such…

Line Dancing with Judee

Have you called Judee at 480-802-0201 after 10:00 a.m. to register for the Ultra Basics Class starting Monday, September 7 at noon in the SunBird Ballroom for $2 to learn line dancing? Yes, I went back to $2 because I can control that price vs. I can’t control gas prices, groceries, etc. If you are…

Email news group

SunBird has an e-mail newsletter and special notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for this SunBird e-mail list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at and click on the icon picture of the e-mail chimp (monkey) at the bottom of…

Benedictine University at Mesa hosting speaker Dr. Autumn Alcott Ridenour at St. Steven’s Church

Please join us for a presentation to discuss the topic, Aging as Vocation: Virtues through an Augustinian Lens, sponsored by Benedictine University at Mesa under the direction of Dr. Ramon Luzarraga, Assistant Professor and Department Chair of Theology, in partnership with Americare Hospice and Palliative Care, Catholic Mission Coordinator Bobi Martinez. The presenter will be…