Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The board of directors had an Agenda Planning and Business meeting on Jan. 25. The following are notes from this meeting:

Members present: Steve Seel, Lisa Onyx, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Linda DiPalma, Chuck Heitbrink. Manager Layne Varney was excused.

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Seel at 10 a.m.

Review of the Minutes of the Dec. 14, 2020 Agenda Planning meeting and the Executive Session meeting and the Jan. 4, 2021, Organizational and Agenda Planning meeting. A motion by Steve that the minutes be approved, Dan seconded. Approved 7/0.

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Jim Anderson. The financial report was not complete, as it is one month behind, and we are in a new year. The Working Capital ratio is currently 1.27%. The PPP loan has been forgiven and will be treated as a grant, with the income to be booked in 2020 or 2021, depending on the auditor’s recommendation. The audit should be complete next week. The report was accepted.

The Manager’s Report given by Steve. The board was updated on the COVID-19 Vaccine project. Currently, there are over 400 signed up for the vaccine, and 75 have volunteered to assist. Approximately 500 letters have been sent to homeowners who have not responded to the proposed change in the CC&Rs. Lisa reported on the upcoming activities: the Rummage Sale, the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner of corned beef and cabbage in the Horizon Room, and the St. Patrick’s Day Golf Cart Parade. Community Shred Day is scheduled for March 20. Steve reviewed the Comment sheets. The report was accepted.

Committee Liaison Reports:

Project Review & Planning – Dan recommended to replace existing handrails, which do not meet new building codes, and will be ADA compliant. The cost of $8,950 will come from the Capital Improvement funds. A motion was made to approve the project by Lisa, Jim seconded, the motion was approved 7/0. Dan also recommended that the windows in the Pima (6) and Navajo (5) be changed to double-pane glass. The cost of $8,900 will come from the Capital Improvement funds. A motion was made to approve the project by Dan, Jim seconded, the motion was approved 7/0.

Architectural Control – Dirk reported that 48 permits were issued for the month of January and 42 so far this month. New home paint colors are being selected, and a rendering will be presented by Behr. Fruit picking continues Tuesday and Friday. Homeowners were reminded to apply pre-emergent to control weeds.

Finance Committee – Jim reported that year-end variances in the Horizon Room and janitorial expenses are due to COVID-19. The Contingency Fund has increased to $180,000.

Welcoming and Marketing – Chuck reported that 30 new homeowners attended the breakfast/dinner on Feb. 16, and another breakfast/dinner is scheduled for March 23.

Rules Committee – Linda reported that the Rules and Regulations Booklet continued to be reviewed. Clarifying language was identified for pet control. The entire booklet will be presented to the board for approval in March.

HOA/Golf Club Committee – Linda reported that plants had been added by the Garden Club, and benches had been donated for the cart parking area. The committee recommended that the HOA and Golf Club be a SunBird committee. The committee would have three members from the HOA and three members from the Golf Club. The president of the HOA and the president of the Golf Club would serve on the committee. The motion to approve the HOA and Golf Club Committee as a committee was made by Linda and seconded by Jim. Motion approved 7/0.

The board was updated on committee membership. The Project Planning Committee proposed to add Dee Brown-Knoeppel, and the Welcoming and Marketing Committee proposed to add Mary Dawson and Eileen Seivers. A motion to approve the new members was made by Steve and seconded by Chuck. Motion approved 7/0.

The board discussed the streamlining proposal and move to a single monthly board meeting. Updating the Book of Policies and Bylaws would be necessary. Steve noted that the changes had been presented to the board. A document will be created to discuss the various ways items can be added to the meeting agenda. It was also agreed that a review of the change would occur at the September board meeting. A motion was made by Steve to move to a single board meeting with the March 22 meeting. It was seconded by Dan and approved 7/0.

The board of directors Goal #3, the Election Timeline, was discussed. The proposal is to move the process back one month and allow the current president to preside over the election of the new president. Linda proposed the changes in the Book of Policies and Bylaws to reflect these changes.

The motion to accept the changes to the election process and the necessary changes in the Book of Policies and Bylaws was made by Steve, seconded by Linda, and approved 7/0.

Comments were made by the homeowners and directors.

With no further business, President Steve Seel adjourned the meeting at 10:58 a.m.

The next Business meeting will be on Monday, April 26, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. At this time, each of these scheduled meetings is planned to be in compliance with the governor’s orders and CDC guidelines. Guidelines for attending: Stay home if sick. Wear a protective face mask. Do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Do not shake hands or make any type of physical contact with others. Adhere to social distancing by staying six feet away from other people. Cough into a tissue and immediately throw away. After the meeting is adjourned, please do not congregate, and disperse immediately. Thank you for helping us all stay safe and healthy!