Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The board of directors had a regularly scheduled business meeting on Monday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. Here are the notes from that meeting:

Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Bob Morris, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney

The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Nancy Eckstein. There were over 75 residents in attendance.

The board reviewed the minutes of the Sept. 25 business meeting. No additions or corrections were recommended for approval by common consent.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jim with the year-to-date results through August 2023. Year-to-date revenue of $2,128,595 and expenses of $1,817,118. Revenue over expenses year to date was $311,477. Total cash on hand at month end was $1,839,645 with the following funds:

Operating Account $496,975

Contingency Fund $381,307

Reserve Fund $928,989

Capital Improvement Fund $13,471

Golf & Comm. Beautification Fund $18,903

The Treasurer’s Report was approved by common consent.

Layne presented the Manager’s Report.

Administration: The election ballots for the board of directors were mailed Oct. 2, with the deadline for return Nov. 15. The second half assessments were collected, with only nine accounts being unpaid.

Horizon Room: A health inspection was conducted, and the Horizon Room received an excellent report. Congratulations to Julie and her staff. Dinner specials are offered Monday through Saturday and are posted on the website. The Sunday Buffet continues from 9 a.m. through noon. Several clubs, organizations, and individuals are booking special catering events. A Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet is planned by reservation only with limited seating. Tickets are $25.

Clubhouse: The carpets were cleaned again in the main hallway and the Lakeview Room. The exterior of the clubhouse has been power washed and the windows cleaned. The sports courts have been cleaned, and the shuffleboard courts have been re-sealed. The sewer drains for the clubhouse have had their annual cleaning, and several fire sprinklers have been replaced.

Common Area: Several of the large saguaro cacti have fallen over due to the extreme heat and lack of rain. The grass around the clubhouse and sports courts/post office has been overseeded.

Patrol: The Hunt Highway vehicle gate has had the internal controls replaced and updated. The gate codes and remote controls are being checked for abuse. These codes and remote controls can be terminated, and new codes and remote-control devices can be issued. Continue to be vigilant for suspicious activity around the community to prevent break-ins. It has been over 70 days since the last reported break-in. A seminar on Crime Prevention with the Chandler Police Department is being scheduled for the beginning of the year.

Activities: Several activities have been scheduled through the end of the year, and residents were advised to check the website and the bi-monthly Blasts for the most up-to-date information.

Committee Liaison Reports:

Architectural Control: Dirk reported that in September 27 permits were issued, and 30 have been issued so far for the month of October. The total for the year is 384. Several of the dead plants on homeowners’ lots have been removed, and a couple of palms are still needing trimming. Residents were reminded that the weed season is beginning again.

Finance: Jim reported that the committee met and reviewed the financials of August. The second draft of the 2024 budget was reviewed, and several of the suggestions were included. The committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the budget by the board. Bill Hook presented the PRP project and planning expenditures year to date and the status of future projects.

HOA/Golf Board: Nancy reported that the committee did not meet this month. The next meeting is Nov. 9.

Project Review: Dan reported that the filters throughout the clubhouse have been changed. The new railing on the second floor Sunrise court has been installed. The block wall installation for portions of the small pool has been placed on hold. The furniture for the outdoor stage area has arrived and has been installed and is in place.

Rules: Bob reported that the committee did not meet. He thanked Committee Chair Marianna for the work the committee had done on the new soliciting rules.

Welcoming & Marketing: Chuck reported that the committee met and recommended that Ron Volk be added to the committee. Chuck made the motion to approve Ron Volk’s membership to the Welcoming & Marketing Committee. Dirk seconded. Motion passed 6/0.

Dirk reported that the committee felt that any of the No Soliciting signs posted on homeowners’ property were satisfactory, and no further changes to the guidelines were necessary at this time.

Julie Anderson from the Planning and Project Review Committee recommended the purchase of a commercial washer and dryer to launder the tablecloths and other supplies used in the ballroom and Horizon Room. The equipment would be placed in the storage area behind the ballroom and only be used by HOA employees. The cost of the equipment and installation is planned not to exceed $2,500. The board recommended that some homeowners be included in the use of the equipment to reduce the burden on the HOA employees. Dan made a motion to proceed with the purchase and installation of the commercial washer and dryer. Bob seconded. Motion passed 6/0.

Layne explained in detail how the budget was determined and discussed the trends from previous years. The budget is recommended by the Finance Committee. The proposed budget would increase the HOA dues to $1,300 per lot owner per year. This increase of $70 is slightly over 5% from the previous year. Jim made the motion to accept the 2024 Budget. Dirk seconded. The motion passed 6/0.

Nancy advised the homeowners of the status of claim by a resident against SunBird with Superior Court, Case CV2023-05389. This claim is regarding the amendment to the CC&Rs, which the homeowners approved by vote in 2021. Of the responses received for this proposed CC&R amendment, 983 lots approved, 288 lots disapproved, and 26 lots indicated they were undecided. SunBird has submitted all responses to the courts, and are we are now awaiting further instructions.

The Comment sheets were reviewed by Layne.

Homeowners’ comments were made at the meeting and were either answered by the board or will be communicated back to the individual who raised the question at the meeting.

Board members reminded residents of the importance of obeying the traffic signs and regulations. They also welcomed winter residents back and thanked the residents for attending.

Nancy advised the residents that our next board meeting would be on Nov. 20 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. She also announced that the board would meet in executive session at 1 p.m. this afternoon. With no further business, she adjourned the meeting at 10:57 a.m.

The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to attend.