Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The board of directors met April 24 for a regular scheduled business meeting, and these are the notes from that meeting.

Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Jim Anderson, Chuck Heitbrink, Dan Buescher, and Manager Layne Varney. Bob Morris excused absence.

The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Nancy Eckstein. There were over 60 residents in attendance.

The board reviewed the minutes of the March 27 business meetings and executive session. No additions or corrections, minutes approved by common consent.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jim with the year-to-date results through Feb. 26, 2023. Year-to-date revenue of $557,743 and expenses of $490,726. Revenue over expenses year to date is $67,017, which was adverse to budget of $17,413. The largest negative revenue variance was due to home sales and entertainment revenue being reported as net versus gross. Expenses year to date were at budget. Total cash on hand at month end was $1,741,040 with the following funds:

Operating Account: $533,914

Contingency Fund: $355,707

Reserve Fund: $816,155

Capital Improvement Fund: $14,501

Golf & Comm. Beautification Fund: $20,763

There was one Reserve Fund expenditure of $4,953 for a jacuzzi heater. Home sales for February were 9, and year to date were 16, which is below the year-to-date budget of 20 home sales.

Layne presented the Manager’s Report.

Administration: We had 13 home sales in March, with sales for the first quarter of 29. The first half homeowners’ assessments were current with only three lot owners being delinquent. Robson Publishing will no longer mail the SunBird News to out-of-town addresses. Subscriptions may be purchased for either 6 months or 12 months.

Horizon Room: Food and beverage services continue to increase and surpass previous sales records for the first quarter. Staffing continues to be a challenge to find consistent staff for the kitchen. The menu will be evaluated and changes made for the upcoming summer schedule.

Clubhouse: Rain gutters have been replaced on the west end of the clubhouse and above the balconies. The outdoor patio and kitchen equipment has been deep cleaned. The wrought iron furniture at the small pool has been painted and air conditioners in the Lapidary and Ceramics Room have been replaced.

Common Area: The landscape area maintenance along Hunt Highway is currently underway. The gophers continue to be a problem in SunBird. Homeowners were encouraged to have any areas treated. The maintenance crew is preparing for the spring trimming of plants and trees in the common areas.

Activities: The year-end outdoor concert, Neon Nights, was a success, and the last concert in the ballroom, Rock Ruled the Airwaves, was also a success. The Kare Bears were thanked for their generous donation of $3,000 to the HOA.

Patrol: The patrol vehicle has some significant electrical problems; however, they are covered under the 10-year warranty. The Kerby Farms vehicle and pedestrian gates have been repaired. SunBird residents were reminded again that the speed limits must be obeyed, or speed humps will be installed. Lights are also being installed on some of the stop signs in an effort to have all vehicles stop.

Committee Liaison Reports:

Architectural Control: Dirk reported that March had 63 permits issued and 184 year to date. Weeds continue to be a problem, and several letters have been sent to homeowners. The fruit pickers are still picking fruit. Homeowners are reminded to trim their taller fruit trees and to have the trees thinned to prevent injury to the pickers.

Finance: Jim reported that YTD financials for January 2023, including revenue, expenses, and balance sheets, have been reviewed. Variances were reviewed and discussed by the committee. The committee voted unanimously to present Scott Wallin to the board for approval to join the committee. The committee is looking to add an additional member.

Project Review: Dan reported that a project was being considered to provide access to SunBird for emergency vehicles via the Waterview gate. This will be discussed later in the meeting.

HOA/Golf Board: Nancy reported the committee did not meet this month.

Rules: Nancy reported for Bob that the committee would be submitting Cindy Krautwurst and Judy Featherstone as new members to the committee. The committee selected Judy as their secretary. The committee reviewed, discussed, and revised and approved several rules sections and forwarded them to the board for approval. The committee discussed and decided to form a sub group to discuss and make recommendations concerning traffic enforcement. Marsha Brockish and Becky Sargeant were recognized and thanked for their years of service to the committee.

Welcoming & Marketing: Chuck reported that the committee is welcoming new homeowners every month, and the date for the New Homeowner Meet and Greet is set for Jan. 24, 2024.

Nancy moved that the new members for the Rules Committees, Cindy Krautwurst and Judy Featherstone, and Scott Wallin of the Finance Committee be approved. Jim seconded. Motion approved 5/0.

Layne discussed the request from the Chandler Fire Department to automate the Waterview gate off of Cooper. This would allow emergency vehicles only quicker access to SunBird. Chuck reported that the SunBird Lions Club had requested a grant to pay for half of the project, and the SunBird Lions Club would pay a quarter and SunBird would pay the remaining quarter of the approximately $10,000 cost of the gate upgrade. The funds for SunBird’s portion would be paid for from the Contingency Fund, since this request was unbudgeted. Dan made a motion that the project be approved, and seconded by Dirk. Motion passed 5/0.

Nancy presented the changes to the Rules Compliance Section. These changes are minor and are designed to clarify the original document. The board had received copies of all the changes in advance, and Chuck noted that the changes were basically semantics. Motion to approve the Revisions to Article 1, Sections 4 and 5, regarding enforcement for residents and guests and non-residents; revisions to Article 5, Section 7, regarding signage, revisions to Article 11, Sections 1 and 2, regarding appeals and hearings; and the revisions to Article 12 regarding the fine schedule. Nancy moved to approve the changes, seconded by Dirk. Motion passes 5/0

Dave White presented a request to provide funding for repair of the front wall of the golf course maintenance building for $14,675. The board had previously received all the required documents to approve the project, and the request met the requirements of the GAP for Capital Improvement projects. Nancy made a motion to approve the request for funding in the amount of $14,675 for the replacement and repair of the front wall of the golf course maintenance building and the funding to be paid from the Community and Golf Fund. Seconded by Jim. Motion approved 4/1.

Dave White also presented a request to provide funding to replace the garage doors of the golf course maintenance building. The cost would be $4,794, with the golf course paying $2,000 and the balance, $2,794, from the Community and Golf Fund. The board had previously received all the required documents to approve the project, and the request met the requirements of the GAP for Capital Improvement projects. Nancy made a motion to approve the request for funding in the amount of $2,794 for the replacement of the garage doors of the maintenance building and the funding to be paid from the Community and Golf Fund. Seconded by Jim. Motion approved 4/1.

The Comment sheets were reviewed by Layne.

Several homeowners’ comments were made at the meeting and were either answered by the board or will be communicated back to the individual who raised the question at the meeting.

Board members thanked the residents for attending the meeting.

With no further business, President Nancy Eckstein adjourned the meeting at 11:17 a.m.

The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, Sept. 25, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to attend.