Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary
The board of directors met March 27 for a regular scheduled business meeting, and these are the notes from that meeting.
Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney. Chuck Heitbrink excused absence.
Meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Nancy Eckstein.
The board reviewed the minutes of the Feb. 27, 2023, Business Meeting and Executive Session. With no comments from the board, minutes were accepted as written.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jim with the year-to-date results through Jan. 31 with revenue of $275,000 and expenses of $244,000. Revenue over expenses year to date was $31,000, which is an adverse variance to budget of $4,000. Total cash on hand the end of February was $1.8 million.
Layne presented the Manager’s Report.
Administration: Seven homes sold in February; we are seeing an uptick in home sales—looking forward to April.
Horizon Room: Sales were just short of an all-time high for January. Crew doing a great job. Let’s keep supporting!
Activities: Early 2023 has been very active with many events.
Clubhouse: One of the three air conditioners on the roof of the clubhouse was replaced.
Landscape Common Area: Weed growth explosion. Treatment of the entire common area has been completed over the past two weeks.
Committee Liaison Reports: (Meeting times and places are listed on the HOA web page.)
Architectural Control: 43 permits were processed in February. Continued request by the board/committee for homeowners to manage the weeds within their property. This committee has issued several notices of excessive weeds. Fruit pickers continue to be busy. Opportunities to request fruit picker support is winding down, so please make any requests to the office within the coming weeks.
Finance: Due to the annual report being provided just prior to the meeting, only a short discussion took place. The review of banking recommendations for a Parkway Bank replacement for cash deposits was held, followed by a recommendation to the board to change to Chase Bank. Bill Hook, Planning Committee chair, presented the 2023 Project Schedule to the committee.
Project Review: The committee discussed putting additional solar panels on the roof of the clubhouse. It was agreed that this topic should be tabled for a couple of years. A discussion was also held regarding LED lighting. It is being researched to automate the Waterview gate for quicker access for fire and police.
Rules: Security review of videos made throughout SunBird takes a great deal of our security staff’s time. A few volunteers have stepped forward to help with the review of the videos to provide a timely refined look/timeline to staff.
Welcoming & Marketing: No report provided today. The committee continues to work through new homeowner introductions, which includes a welcoming packet.
HOA/Golf Board: The “Halfway Hut” will be relocated near the tee box on hole one to be used as a starters house. There will be another community meeting by the City of Chandler regarding the cell tower, as a resident has filed a complaint regarding its suggested location. Date and time TBD. Review of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) took place, and now both boards are reviewing the recommended updates that will be brought back to the committee meeting in May. Many questions were asked regarding the petition filed against the HOA by a resident. Upon advice from their attorney, the HOA reps were unable to answer most of them, as this issue is pending litigation. No meeting is planned for April.
The Project Review Committee brought forward a request to add a block wall with stucco on the north wall surrounding the Oakmont Laundry Room and pool area for greater security and privacy. Dan made the motion to add the wall. The motion passed 5/0.
Committee Membership Approval was discussed as part of the agenda.
The Project Review Committee recommended the addition of Lisa Onyx and Dan Adams. Motion made by Dan to approve the recommendation. Motion passed 5/0.
Rules Committee Compliance recommended the addition of Lisa Kittredge. Motion made by Bob to approve the recommendation. Motion passed 5/0.
The Finance Committee made a recommendation to the board to open our primary depository account to Chase Bank, given our current bank (Parkway) is closing. Motion to approve was made by Jim. Motion passed 5/0.
Salt River Project (SRP) notified the HOA of a homeowner’s concern that a streetlight was requested shielding light from the street. Normally, SRP will install a light shield on the homeowner’s side of the light if requested, but in this case, it was a light across the street. The request was for the shield to be placed between the light and the street. This light shield would impede lighting of the street. SRP would only install the shield if approved by the HOA and if the HOA would take all liability. After discussion, a motion was made by Nancy to deny this request. Motion to deny passed 5/0.
A discussion surrounding the HOA and Golf Board’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with some clarification to the document is now in the hands of both boards for their review and comment. Both boards have been asked to give their final input, which will be brought back to the committee in May.
The Comment sheets were reviewed by Layne.
With no further business, President Nancy Eckstein adjourned the meeting at 10:55 a.m.
The board then went into Executive Session.
The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, May 22, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to attend.