Notes from the board meeting

The Board of Directors had a Business meeting March 26. These are the notes from this meeting:

Members Present: Gordon Lee, Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Don Calvert, Nancy Eckstein, Shirley Clark, Linda DiPalma, Bob Moren and Layne Varney

President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Minutes reviewed from previous meetings and which were approved. Treasurer’s Report was given by Nancy Eckstein. Manager’s Report was given by Layne Varney.

Committee Liaison reports by Board of Directors:

Project Review and Long-Range Planning Committee (PRLRC) requested approval for a new member. To comply with committee policy of only serving on one committee, this member resigned from the Welcoming Committee. Don Calvert made a motion to appoint Julie Anderson as a new member of the Project Review Committee. Motion carried.

PRLRC has completed plans and has the cost for two SunBird signs to be placed on the corner walls at Cooper and Riggs Road. Shirley Clark made a motion to approve these proposed SunBird signs to be attached on the Cooper and Riggs Wall. Motion carried.

PRLRC Pickleball Club proposed project of reconfiguring lines on courts continue with four tennis courts and also allow 10 pickle courts. After study and review, the Pickleball Club rescinded the request. However, it was proposed that more definitive colored lines be painted on the court for pickleball playing and safety. Linda DiPalma made a motion to accept painting the pickleball court lines a more definitive color on courts 3 and 4 and to allow Layne Varney to make the decision as to the line color at a cost $1,000 to $1,500. Motion carried.

The name of the area where the tennis/pickleball courts, basketball hoop, shuffle board courts and horseshoe pits are all located was discussed due to number of recreational activities. Linda DiPalma made a motion to name this area “SunBird Recreational Center.” After further discussion, the motion was amended to name this area “SunBird Sport Complex.” Motion carried.

SB Golf Club requested approval for “Green-up” donation letter to be inserted with the second-half billing statement. Dee Brown-Knoeppel made a motion to have a Green-up donation letter included with January 2019 SunBird dues billing. Motion carried.

Board of Directors discussed 2018 Goals and discussed the plans to begin implementing these goals.

Brainstorming Workshop was held March 23 with approximately 150 homeowners attending this meeting in the ballroom. Owners sat in groups at tables and wrote down ideas. The ideas were posted on the wall and read for all to hear. Great comments on and feedback from this meeting. Ideas will be compiled, study and published. Thanks to Nancy Eckstein for a good job.

Board of Directors is planning on taking a road trip to visit other HOA communities similar to SunBird. The purpose is to meet with other boards and management and look for ways or ideas for improvement. Directors to provide May schedules to Layne to arrange the tours.

Comment Sheets – Layne Varney

Homeowner/Board of Director Comments

Adjourn – President Gordon Lee adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m.

Next Board meetings: Agenda Planning Meeting Monday, May 14, at 10:00 a.m.; Business Meeting Monday, May 21, at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend!