The Lapidary display case displays creations by club members.
Is your resolution for the New Year to try something different and outside your comfort zone? If so, the SunBird Lapidary Club may provide you an answer. Learn how to make wire wrap jewelry or do beading? How about fused glass or stained glass projects? Ever want to cut and polish a rock for use as jewelry, a Ming Tree or a clock? Want to create a ring or pendant with silver by silversmithing or lost wax casting?
To see examples of what can be created visit the display case on the top floor of the Clubhouse; and if someone is working in the shop, stop in for a tour. Club membership and access (after training) to the HOA Lapidary shop is available to SunBird residents and visitors. Our next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, January 6 in the Hopi Room where you can join and sign up for classes. All classes are taught by club members at no charge and the HOA provides the tools and equipment. Members provide their materials, like silver or glass and pay small annual dues.
Not creative or artistic? You will be pleasantly surprised at what you can create. It is fun and satisfying!
For more information contact any club member or call President Dennis Hayward at 360-607-1395.