Check out the Short Line Model Railroad Club!
Harry Huckemeyer
The Short Line Model Railroad Club will be holding its monthly meeting at the SunBird Community Center on March 12. We have moved our starting time to 9:30 a.m. and as usual the meeting will be held in the Lakeview Room located on the first floor of the SunBird Community Center. As always, interested parties are always welcome to attend, and inputs are always welcome and are valued.
Once again, for those interested parties, it may be time to make a note on your calendars of some of the upcoming events that are scheduled to take place in the area and around the Valley as we enter the spring season. Plans are being put together for the spring Open House where several homes in the Sun Lakes area will be open to the public to take in several of the outdoor, and other layouts in operation. The tentative date at present is scheduled for April 2 and I suggest you check your local media for times and locations of the homes that will be participating.
Our club is looking into various ways to change direction on the way we approach new projects as we prepare for the rest of the year. We’re looking for more ways to get our members into a hands on environment, where our meetings can be more effective and productive, producing product that are mobile, and can be enjoyed by others. It may be a good time to check us out. A layout is not required and interest and experience is always welcome.
If you would like any additional information regarding our club you can check out our web site at www.slmodelrrclub.org, or feel free to contact me by e-mail at [email protected]. Take a few minutes to browse through the website and you’ll find a wealth of information not only regarding our club, but places of interest, pictures and more. Have a great day, and hope to see you soon.