Check out the Short Line Model Railroad Club!
Harry Huckemeyer
The Short Line Model Railroad Club will be holding its monthly meeting at the SunBird Community Center on February 13. We now are meeting in the Lakeview Room and we have changed our meeting start time to 9:00 a.m. for the convenience of our club members and also for those that may have an interest in joining up with us. As always, interested parties are always welcome to attend, and inputs are always welcome and valued.
February is a month where the ball usually starts rolling for new projects that may be in the planning stages, as well as finalizing many decisions that will impact our participation in events for the rest of the year. Among these include Open Houses in the March timeframe, as well as attending Community Days in the fall. As new programs fall into place, future opportunities are always something to be explored. Our members feel most at home when they’re involved in hands on programs that can keep them current with the latest technologies in modeling.
If you would like any additional information regarding our club you can check out our website at www.slmodelrrclub.org or feel free to contact me by e-mail at [email protected]. Take a few minutes to browse through the website and you’ll find a wealth of information not only regarding our club, but places of interest, pictures, and more. Have a great day, and hope to see you soon.