Men’s Golf Club News

Scott Moore

Thursday play for the SunBird Men’s Club is well under way as of the 2024-25 season and continues to be blessed with great weather so far. Although the weather projects to be okay for the next couple of weeks, things can sure change by the time you all read this!

We held our second meeting of the season on Dec. 3. Our Prez, Jack Cooper, kicked the meeting off, and the various chairs updated their reports. Patrick Leach provided a summary of his latest Treasurer’s Report, proving that he continues to keep a keen eye on all of the income and expenses to keep the balance in the black at the end of the season.

Below are a few of the more notable issues presented to the attending group during the December meeting:

• SunBird Golf Club has an election coming up. There will be two open seats to fill. If you want to be more involved and help steer things forward, this is your chance. Please see Scott Stohr for details or to have any questions about the duties answered.

• The recently held SunBird Cup tournament was a huge success, netting the SunBird Golf Club $2,800. This money will be used toward the purchase of a used greens mower.

• Nov. 29 set an all-time one-day record for golf play on the course, with 211 rounds of golf played for the day.

• Don Hunt reported that interest keeps adding up with the funds in the Hole-in-One account. In other words, he hasn’t had to pay anything out in a while!

The various Men’s Club and SunBird Golf Club tournament dates are posted outside the Pro Shop. A number of these tournaments are fun to watch as spectators, whether you are a golfer or non-golfer in the community. I encourage you to come out for some of these just to watch some of your neighbors and fellow community members participate. The most popular tournaments for spectating are the shootouts. Those dates are below:

• Feb. 7, 2 p.m.: Couples Net Shootout Tournament

• March 14, 2 p.m.: Couples Gross Shootout Tournament

There will be betting tables set up for both of these tournaments if you desire to place any wagers on teams. If not, please come out and follow along with the rest of the spectators for as many holes as you like. Remember, admission to each event is free!