Men’s Golf Club

Scott Moore

Except for an occasional frost delay, Men’s Club enjoyed some terrific golf weather the past month. Efforts to constantly evolve and improve Thursday’s play are continuing. The formats change from week to week, and the Golf Genius online sign-up for Men’s play has modernized the sign-up process.

A new on-course policy was rolled out in February to help reduce playing time. Often, foursomes arrive at hole 3 only to have to wait for the group in front to chip onto the green and finish putting out. Now, once the front group reaches the green, they allow the group at the tee box to tee off, and then they finish putting out the hole.

Another way to speed up rounds on Thursdays, as well as all other days, is to reduce the amount of time spent looking for lost balls. The USGA allows up to 3 minutes to hit a provisional ball and then look for the lost ball, or go back and hit another ball.

Men’s Club Matchplay kicked off in January but was not complete as of this writing. Results to come next month.

The Couples Net Shootout tournament was held on Feb. 7 in ideal weather conditions. It was an absolutely beautiful day. It was especially beautiful for Diana Watkins and Bob Morris who battled Denise Martinez and Gary Flitton down to the end for the championship. Mel (Melinda) Smith and Greg Wilson took third place after getting eliminated at the 8th hole. Congratulations to each of them!

The Couples Gross Shootout tournament is coming up on March 14 at 2 p.m. This will be the last chance of the season for anyone in the community to walk along and watch a shootout. The competition will be stiff, as it will be gross scores only. Betting tables will be set up and open at 1 p.m., and there will be free refreshments and snacks provided at various holes.

After many years of service, Gordon Olson (secretary) and Patrick Leach (treasurer) will be retiring from the Men’s Club Executive Board at the end of this season. Scott Moore (publicity chair) will also be leaving his position. Every position on the Executive Board is voluntary, and we need the help of our 130-plus registered Men’s Club members to fill these positions for the 2025-26 season. Please talk to Jack Cooper or anyone else on the board about the opportunity to help govern and direct the Men’s Club for the upcoming season. This is your chance to sit in front of the monthly meetings and help steer the direction of the Men’s Club going forward. Heck, you might even get a say in what kind of donuts are furnished for the meetings!

Hope to see you at the next meeting on Tuesday, March 5, at 9 a.m.