Manager’s Report

Let the good times roll! SunBird is the place to be, with beautiful weather, many fun indoor and outdoor recreational facilities and games, awesome social events, excellent shows, and live concerts. All this to share with great people and friends is the perfect mix for a memorable and terrific spring break.

This year, fitness classes are growing in numbers. Have you been to the clubhouse on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening and heard the loud sounds of drums? What? That’s what I thought also. It’s the trending new fitness class called Cardio Drumming, which is quickly growing in numbers. Each individual in the class has their own large yoga exercise ball placed on a stand and two drumsticks. The participants, in synchrony to the instructions of the certified fitness instructor Teresa Clark, hammer the ball with the drumsticks at various speeds and in different stances for cardio and core training. Sounds crazy? It’s for real. The participants are having a fun time with an excellent workout.

SunBird Bean Bag Baseball has also been a homerun this year. This is played with a cornhole-type board with holes marking first base to third base, homeruns, and outs. The players on the teams “go to bat” by tossing a bean bag towards the board, aiming for the home run. The teams have names, assigned players, and win/loss records, all for the playoffs and eventual SunBird champions. This started a few years ago with a few teams, and the league has now grown into 12 baseball teams, thanks to Mary Beth Kosiba and Debra Rollings organizing this event. Due to the number of teams and players, the playing fields had to be relocated from the Horizon Room into the ballroom. The teams have weekly scheduled organized games and fun. Let’s play ball!

Water volleyball has been one of SunBird’s activities for years. In the afternoon, residents gather at the clubhouse swimming pool for exercise and some fun games of water volleyball. However, this past year, another level of competitive water volleyball was introduced additionally for Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons. This has quickly grown into a more competitive and entertaining game to both watch and participate in. Side out!

With nice, warm weather and all of the fun activities to enjoy, many residents invite their out-of-state guests and visitors to get a small glimpse of the SunBird life. We welcome our friends and family and hope this will be a memorable time for all. Let’s be good hosts and practice safety and care when using the facilities, especially within SunBird. Please share the proper use of facilities and equipment with the scheduled times of availability. Also, please see that children under the age of 16 and without a driver’s license are not operating golf carts. Those who normally do not drive golf carts should be aware that these can be just as or even more dangerous than automobiles. Let’s all be extra cautious and aware when driving due to all the increased outdoor activity.

SunBird’s annual independent financial audit is nearing completion for the year 2022. The auditor collects and reviews financial data from the computer accounting system, monthly bank statements, insurance statements, tax reports, financial reports, and meeting minutes and conducts random testing on several specific financial transactions for compliance. Having an annual financial audit is necessary and a proactive practice to ensure that good accounting procedures are implemented and the accounting records and reports of SunBird are accurate. The auditor will be providing the final report soon, and it will be posted on the SunBird website. As in all previous years of independent financial audits at SunBird, we fully anticipate a “clean opinion,” which is the best opinion offered by an auditor.

For the quickest and latest information in SunBird, please join our SunBird email informational e-blast. To join, go to and on the Home page, scroll down until finding “Interested in receiving the SunBird e-blasts?” next to the chimpanzee icon figure. Select this and complete the information to be added to this group.

We truly appreciate all the clubs, groups, organizations, and volunteers of SunBird who volunteer and work diligently to make the services, classes, recreational facilities, and social activities a success. From the organization, planning, scheduling, marketing, and promotion of these to the set-up, clean-up, function, and everything involved that makes these and this community a great place to be! Thank you!