It’s hard to believe that the peak of season for SunBird, March, has arrived. Many recreational and sport leagues are having season-ending tournaments and championship games. Clubs, organizations, and various states are having their season-ending banquets. If at the clubhouse, one can easily see and hear all of the fun taking place. The SunBird Pickleball Club just hosted its annual Cure for Alzheimer’s Fundraising Pickleball Tournament, which was a tremendous success. The club raised over $20,000 to donate to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and had a great time with high-level pickleball play.
The annual SunBird Garden Club Home Tour is always such an eye-opening event, touring a select number of homes within SunBird. The interior designs and landscape of these homes was absolutely fantastic. SunBird has up-to-date homes that make you want to go home and paint and remodel. The Singers and Ringers concert is this month. SunBird’s spring outdoor music fest is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, at 5 p.m. The title is a disco-themed event: “Groove-A-Palooza.” There will be live music, food trucks, a costume contest, games, and great times. Don’t miss this fun event.
Watching some of the Super Bowl this year, although not much of a game, the commercials are sometimes more entertaining than the game. A few commercials reminded me of SunBird. As spring is approaching and some of our residents are beginning to think about preparations to leave during the summer months, SunBird encourages neighborhoods within the community to have regular block parties. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors and build friendships, and it is also a good way to strengthen crime prevention. The best way to fight crime is within your own neighborhood. Sharing contact information, emergency contacts, and schedules of when you or other neighbors will be present in the community will help others stay informed of the activity in the area. If your neighborhood is not involved in a block party, get one started. It could be as simple as inviting a few neighbors and meeting in a backyard, driveway, or schedule a place at the clubhouse. Several neighborhoods within SunBird have been doing this for years.
Another commercial which aired during the Super Bowl that reminded me of SunBird was encouraging people to “be kind.” Past surveys of homeowners and residents’ general comments are normally common that SunBird is a friendly community. This has been a theme at SunBird since the year 2020. At one point in the commercial, it stated, “Wave (to others). It doesn’t cost anything.” This is also a part of SunBird’s foundation of being a friendly and caring community. Waving at others within the community does several things: First, it is a friendly gesture of welcoming and a nice greeting to residents and visitors within SunBird. Second, it is an indicator that the person waving and the person reciprocating the wave noticed and responded to each other. This can promote a comforting feeling; it can help increase safety while driving, bicycling, or walking; and can create a stronger sense of community. Another benefit to waving is that it lets the person know that you saw them. If someone is casing out the area for easy targets of theft or crime, waving lets them know that you and several people have already noticed them, causing them to consider going elsewhere with mischief. Let’s all join in this effort to be kind and wave. It doesn’t cost anything.
SunBird would not be SunBird without the many, many, many people who join and assist with the events and work. We truly appreciate our committees, clubs, class leaders, organizations, and many volunteers who work hard and volunteer their time and service to make SunBird a great place to live! Thank you!