Incoming Lions President Julie Napton outlines her goals for the coming year at the Lions’ installation dinner in April.
Fred Garmeson
On April 12, at their 21st annual Installation Dinner, the SunBird Lions Club installed their new officers and the officers of the Basha High School LEO Club. The 2016-2017 Lions officers are President Julie Napton; Vice President Bill Hespel; Recording Secretary Jeanne Anderson; Reporting Secretary Fred Garmeson; Treasurer Don Buss; Directors Bing Solomon, Doug Davidson, Jo Ann Mottet and Gail Holland; Membership Chair Sonja Harffner; Lion Tamer Ray Clark; and Tail Twister Marcia McHugh. The new officers officially take office on July 1 and serve through June of next year. The Lions are all looking forward to serving the SunBird community again in the coming year.