The variety of projects by Lapidary Club members can be seen in the display case next to the shop on the second floor of the Clubhouse.
The SunBird Lapidary Club invites residents to explore the various rock, jewelry and glass crafts. Access to the fine lapidary shop on the upper floor of the clubhouse is, for safety reasons, limited to club members who have completed the required orientation and training for specific activities. Classes are based on expressed need and availably of club volunteers to provide instructions. Depending upon the craft, classes vary from one to four half day sessions. These are generally held weekdays but weekend or night instruction may be available upon request. There are no charges for the instruction or for use of the shop which is maintained by the HOA. Students will pay for materials and a small annual club membership.
Classes currently being considered for the January to April 2015 season include rock art; wire wrap jewelry; basic lapidary (rocks, clocks and cabs); silversmithing; fused and slumped glass; stained glass; Ming trees and beading.
If you are interested in pursuing any of the crafts you are urged to attend the next club meeting to be held January 2. Meetings are held the first Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Hopi Room. There is also an open shop each Wednesday afternoon so you can stop by and get a feel for all the opportunities available to you. Additional information is also posted on the shop door and on the board in the puzzle room or contact any club member.