Kare Bears members Bonny Frederick and Karen Birkemeyer (photo by Shirley Jackson)
Shirley Jackson
The Kare Bears are midway through the 2022-23 season. Two Kare Bear Fairs have taken place with great support from the members and the SunBird community. Several vendors are taking advantage of the KB Fair and donating some of their wares as raffle items. The Kare Bears have a 50/50 cash raffle at every fair. We celebrated the holiday with a luncheon where Santa and his elf appeared. A gift exchange occurred between Kare Bears members.
Lena Craft is busy sending get well messages and thank you notes to those in the community. Esther Ault and Sandra Smith were given accolades at the past meeting for their delivery of chicken dinners to those residents coming home from the hospital. A committee has been set up to review the Kare Bears bylaws and job descriptions.
Jill Ponce directed the Second Hand Rose Style Show. She secured models who selected their outfit from different thrift stores. When modeled, the outfit was described, including the cost of the items. Lunch was provided by the attendees, with Kare Bears serving coffee, lemonade, and water. Place settings were on each table and a centerpiece was provided by either Kare Bears or the attendees at that particular table.
Kare Bears will sponsor a fair on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 8 a.m. to noon. Over 40 vendors have planned to bring their wares to this fair. Another cash raffle will be held with the price of $5 for six tickets in this drawing. The White Elephant table will be stacked again with wonderful bargains. Coffee and donuts are available, along with seating, so you can visit with your friends and neighbors. Please come and participate in this community event!
The Eagles concert, presented by the Kare Bears, will happen on Tuesday, Feb. 21, beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are available for purchase online for $20 per person. There will be a cash bar. You are permitted to bring unopened snacks and water. There will be a cash raffle, with tickets to be sold prior to the opening of the concert. The Eagles is one of the most popular programs, because the music is familiar. Be prepared to sing along to “Hotel California,” “Desperado,” and “Lying Eyes.” A good time will be had by all in attendance.
Our next business meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 1 p.m. in the ballroom. The speaker will be a representative from Hospice of the Valley.