Moderate level club hikers enjoying a snack and social stop in Hidden Valley near Fat Man’s Pass on South Mountain
Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club
It’s February, and there is a lot going on with the club. Hikes are in full swing. Despite the parched landscape, I’ve seen quite a lot of beautiful hiking pictures on our website. We hope for rain so that the desert landscape can turn green and be the amazing scenery it normally offers.
We celebrated an awesome backyard picnic in December at Diane Alessi and Henry Silverblatt’s backyard, co-hosted with Marilyn and Dennis Harkins. And last month we were able to make a permanent move to a larger meeting room with a digital projector to upgrade our monthly meeting experience. More than 50 club members were there, and we were glad to have the extra space. If you missed the meeting, next time, turn left as you pass through the normal double-door entrance and make an immediate left and you’ll find it.
Preparations for the Special Hike at Lake Havasu, Ariz., are all but finalized. We leave Feb. 10 and return on the 13th. If you didn’t sign up for the hike, there is always next year. I’ve been on three of the Special Hikes so far and have never been disappointed!
Feb. 7 is our next monthly meeting. If you have ever wanted to serve as a club officer, nominations are being accepted at the meeting. Henry Silberblatt and Scott Downey will continue their talks on the popular hiking apps Gaia and AllTrails, and if there is time, I’ll present on a recent trip to the Wave near Page, Ariz., and how five club members were able to secure a spot in the online lottery to see this magical place.
Want to get out on the trails and see what nature has to offer? Come join our club. We are a friendly, inclusive group of hikers welcoming all able-bodied hikers. Our goal is to make group hiking fun, challenging, social, and safe. We hike Mondays at three different intensity levels, and there’s often a second “mellow” or “moderate” hike on Wednesdays. Our club is open to anyone living in Sun Lakes and SunBird.
For more information about our club, please type “Sun Lakes Hiking Club” into your web browser and look for our Meetup page. Questions not answered on our website? Please contact our president Ted Maresh at [email protected].
Hiking is one of the many rewarding activities you can do in our community. We look forward to hiking with you!