Pictured (left to right) are Barb Edwards, Judy Johnston, Betty Teal, Kitty Determan, Pam Tiffany, and Irene Schlenker.
Gail Schroeder
January’s luncheon was great, as usual. It was hosted by Sandy Ballou and Irene Schlenker. It is one of the few times that we get together as a group and can enjoy the comradery we have all been missing due to COVID-19.
The SunBird Golfing Niners currently have 43 active members. We are always looking for new members to join our friendly group. If you would like to join us, contact any current member. You can find their names on the weekly sign-up sheets on the bulletin board outside the Lakeview Room.
One of the benefits of joining the SunBird Golfing Niners is that we automatically become members of the AGA, which subscribes to GHIN (Golf Handicap and Information Network, pronounced “jin”). After each Niners game we play, our scores are entered into the GHIN system by one of the Handicaps/Pairings Committee members (Karen Kummerfeldt, Margaret Wiseman, or Paula Neuser). It is always fun to receive your handicap score to see if you are improving. For the most accurate handicap, you can also enter your own scores for games you play outside of the group directly into the GHIN system. For instructions on how to do that, you can contact one of the above committee members.
GHIN started in 1981 at the request of state and regional golf associations. The GHIN service has grown to become the largest handicap computation service in the world, servicing in excess of 2.1 million golfers, representing 73 golf associations and more than 12,700 golf clubs in 43 states, four U.S. territories, and four foreign countries. GHIN is offered exclusively through state or regional golf associations, federations, or unions, as a service for their member clubs to assist in meeting the policies of the USGA Handicap System, that enables all golfers to compete on a relatively equal basis.