Marc Francoeur, GCSAA, Golf Course Superintendent
Welcome back, winter residents! I’m sure you are all happy to be back to Arizona for another winter golf season. Our staff has worked very hard this past summer and overseed season on the golf course to bring you a great season at SunBird.
I’m sure everyone is happy to be off the cart paths, but I do ask you to adhere to the 90-degree rule and stay on the cart path as much as you can. SunBird sees a lot of golf rounds, so we need to help keep it in great shape with cart control. Please fill your divots and fix your ball marks. I recommend yours-plus-one philosophy when repairing ball marks. Once again, we will be providing sand and seed outside the gates at the maintenance facility and sand up at the cart storage facility at the clubhouse.
Norm Ott will be heading up the “Adopt a Hole” program again this year; thank you, Norm! This program works great! We have tremendous success with it; all of you who are involved do us in the turf care department and SunBird an awesome service. For those who may be new to SunBird and want to be involved or have any questions, please see Norm or me and we will be happy to help.
We are going to take a proactive role this year in keeping the ducks from setting up SunBird as their winter home. These are the snowbirds that aren’t welcome here – did you laugh? I thought that was funny!
Well, I am going to leave it here. Today, we are putting the first cuts in our winter grass, and I am excited to go and see how it looks. I’m looking forward to a great winter season!
Thank you