Footnotes from the Library

Lois Anderson

There seems to be a small but growing crowd in the aisle at the east end of the SunBird Library. It is mostly men who seem to be finding the multitude of volumes we have collected that have the theme “War.” First, we had a donation from a SunBird owner who enjoyed reading about World War II—just a couple dozen books that we put on a shelf, and then we wondered, would anyone read them.

Guess we opened the floodgates, since we now have several shelves about numerous wars through the ages, battles of note, and heroes of valor. These are fact-filled stories by eyewitnesses of battle, as well as life-long historians. Our male readers (and maybe a few ladies also) in SunBird keep reading these books, and they, as well as others, keep adding to the collection.

These shelves are located in the far southeastern part of the library. If you have trouble finding these treasures, just ask anyone shelving books for help. Since our library is limited in size, if you wander around the shelves, you will soon find our two banks of books and other materials in the “War” section.

Please remember that all our SunBird Library materials have been donated—yes, all 15,000 books, hundreds of puzzles, audiotapes, and magazines. Everything has been donated, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all who have made our library so great!

Currently, we need help in our library. Contact Nancy Smith at 480-802-7144 if you would like to join the team. No experience needed, no references checked, just a bit of time donated is all it takes.