Glenna Reeves speaks about Desert Threads quilters.
Sue Bart
Glenna Reeves, a very special founding member, passed away Jan. 18, 2021. Glenna helped start up Desert Threads, a chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild. She contributed in so many ways to make Desert Threads a success. She always welcomed everyone with a smile and kind words. Glenna obtained a major financial grant to help the organization get started. The grant, from The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation, supports our monthly programs, education, and charity efforts. Desert Threads is thankful to The Foundation for putting us in a strong financial beginning. Glenna single handedly applied for and obtained this grant. She will be sorely missed by all of us in Desert Threads.
At our February virtual meeting, we got to know each other better in “break-out rooms” within the Zoom virtual meeting environment. This allowed four or five members to chat amongst themselves without disrupting the entire gathering of members. It was a fun way to meet during these unusual times when we do not meet in person.
At our March meeting, we will hear a lecture from a quilting instructor, also via Zoom virtual meeting. We plan to have outdoor gatherings, with social distancing, once the COVID-19 virus subsides and we have vaccinations.
Desert Threads members are working on quilts for community service charities. In early January, 17 warm, cuddly, fleece blankets were given to ARIS for homeless teens and young adults. Efforts are underway to provide quilts for UMOM shelters in the Phoenix area, for Sunshine Acres home, for U.S. Vets in Phoenix, and My Sister’s Place in Chandler.
If you would like to know more about our group, a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild, and how to participate in our virtual quilting meetings and classes, send an email with contact information to [email protected]. Someone will email or call you.