Vergil and Lenore (Bunny) Buttorffat Thomas
The summary of the biblical definition of a servant is a person who helps and serves others in the spirit of love, with no expectations of anything in return, leaving the rest to God. Lenore (Bunny) Buttorff has fulfilled that definition in her tireless support and help in the SunBird Community. She will be missed in so many ways. Yes, another wonderful SunBird couple, Bunny and Vergil, found it necessary to move back to Colorado to be near family, due to medical reasons.
Lenore (Bunny) Buttorff was a familiar face around the SunBird clubhouse due to her dedication and help. She was a member of Kare Bears for over 15 years and worked on just about all the various committees and special projects. Too many residents met Bunny under the saddest of circumstances. She handled the Kare Bear memorial programs in the ballroom. Due to her confident and compassionate demeanor, most people felt secure in letting her handle their arrangements. People always commented later how well it was done.
SunBird’s Movie Night was one of her favorite projects. She used to preview almost every movie to make sure of its appropriateness. The one occasion she didn’t have the time to preview it (you guessed it), it was not good. I remember she felt so bad and vowed she would always make time.
Bunny didn’t just work on projects; she was there for people on an individual basis, and I can attest to that. I had had a pretty nasty case of the flu and was too weak to even make myself something to eat. It was Bunny who came and fixed me scrambled eggs. Then she went to the store and bought me Boost to regain my strength.
In Proverbs 20:27 it says, “The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s innermost being.” Thank you, Bunny Bottorff, for your “caregiving, compassionate and managerial spirit.” You are missed in so many ways.