Computer Booters Appreciation Luncheon
Kc Coller
Seriously, if you are anyone who uses a computer and overlooked the April 4 general meeting, you really missed hearing about useful computer information. Repeating the statement, “This club has fantastic guest speakers,” isn’t bragging – it’s a fact. Listening to what Mike Long had to say about “the ‘Media Mix” was magic. He enlightened us about protection from harmful software and ugly viruses. He explained how organized crime has bought into using our computers to their advantage of getting rich – how the criminals want us to think that our computers are just “dumb machines.” Not true! We just need to realize that we need a degree of comfort against their virus software by insulating against it. He brought and shared his understanding concerning facts that we probably wouldn’t learn in our everyday lives.
Mike is one of those special speakers who shares knowledge for the benefit of others. Even his Q & A session offered answers about many of our computer concerns. Congrats to all who attended the meeting. We’re hopeful he’ll accept our next request for a return engagement. Mike Long is owner and operator of Mesa-based Advanced IT Solutions.
Reports from club members who have used the services offered by any of our guest speakers have been “over the top” satisfied with services rendered. I, for one, can and do attest to that statement.
Rich Davis, our Communications Director and “Website Guy,” gave short, helpful thoughts about computer usage. Follow the news for activities, meetings, workshops, membership and pictures of the best club in Sun Lakes by clicking on to the website, www.computerbooters.org. Check out its Calendar and the Speaker links. You might have gathered our club is geared into sharing computer facts of all forms. Should any member wish to share a thought, they are “oh so welcome!”
An “Appreciation” luncheon was held April 5 for the club’s volunteers of this past year. Without volunteers, there wouldn’t be a club.
Our May 2 speaker will be Jenny Young, the new manager at the Ed Robson Branch Library. She is passionate about education and sharing data. She even feels as if she’s watching science fiction in action with all the computing advancements there are now. We’ll learn of the library’s many attributes making it be even more indispensable to our community’s needs. We’re anticipating your coming and learning more about this great resource.
May is the last general meeting until September 5. Workshops will resume in October with information published in the September and October Sun Lakes Splash and the SunBird News.
We want to keep your computer interest peaked by offering new things to learn – perhaps stretch your imagination! This could happen by attending a workshop or two to learn a new skill with your computer.
Remember, Mac users are “welcome.” We have information that both methods of computer users should find helpful.
So, everyone have a safe and fun summer, and we welcome your fall return.