Board Members Howard Winkle, Kc Coller and Al Hill
Kc Coller, Publicity Director
Several guests and members shared our Welcome Back Meet and Greet get together before the November meeting. Isn’t it nice to be home? And it’s nice to have you back! Hopefully the 11 guests, Charm Hay, Steve Horowitz, Robert Gahr, Karla Carrillo, Richard Roller, Jane and Don Lindsay, Lakin Hines, Mark Colling, David Sheer and Bob East enjoyed the meeting.
Thanks to those who visited the Computer Booters display at the Open Houses held throughout our communities during October and November.
Again the Ed Robson Library that’s located right here in our community was generous to share Abigail Nersdesian and Janet Sordan with us. They explained the library’s valuable assets and remained after the meeting to issue library cards. That card is the key to accessing all their features; books, videos, computers, classes, comics plus more.
Every general meeting has a knowledgeable speaker who shares information regarding computers. They provide members with efficient information so we aren’t left in the dark. The biggest worry deals with internet safety. Growing frights can be eliminated with new information.
Allan Levy presented his up-to-dates and safety tips on computing.
Remember that good cheer feeling you get when eating ice cream and cookies? Our December holiday meeting will have plenty of that. It has always been an enjoyable time so December is a for sure must go to meeting.
The December 6 meeting plans to have ice cream starting at 6:00 p.m. followed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The stocking will be full because a favorite speaker, Keith Wheeler, will be speaking. He is Tribune Technology Consulting since just after 9/11 and has the heart of a teacher that brings his real world experiences and knowledge to audiences and customers. His tell it like it is and humor leaves listeners wanting more while digesting his serious and concerning messages. His spirit is felt by all and fits right in with the holiday theme. Officers for the New Year will also be voted on: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Stay abreast in computing by taking advantage of the workshops offered each month. Monthly meetings with the classes are posted at the local Post Office and publicized in the area’s local newspapers. Workshops are available to members free and $10 per session for non-members. Sign up at general meetings or by emailing Bill Phillips, Workshop Director, at [email protected].
December Workshops
December 8 – Introduction to Word Windows 10
December 10 – Roboform, Protecting Your Passwords
December 19 – Selecting a Tablet
The Computer Club shares computing interests with others and volunteers make this club possible. Volunteer positons are available to all those interested.
The meeting time is 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd. in Sun Lakes. Remember ice cream is at 6:00 p.m.
For more information go to the club’s website: www.computerbooters.org.