Computer Booters
Kc Coller, Publicity Director
I wonder if this season’s October 4 general meeting’s attendance was due to increased winter population — or was it because of the guest speakers Keith Wheeler and Richard Clennon? Both gentlemen are professionals who are owner/operators of their own firms at this end of the Valley; Keith Wheeler owns Tribune Technology Consulting, and Richard Clennon owns AZ Laptop Pros.
These two, whether alone or together, are favorites. Their “Stop the Tech” Q & A interaction with club members is fun to watch and listen to and easy to understand. We thank them for their generosity of personal time, energy and knowledge. They did it for free!
From the President’s Desk, Janet Quade:
“Belonging to the Computer Booters club gives us the opportunity to stay abreast of the technology changes that continue at a rapid pace. Just when I feel comfortable with my newest device, I find the industry has taken another leap forward.
“Keeping up with technology can somewhat help us stay in touch, to a greater or lesser degree. Together, we learn from experts and share experiences. In the Computer Booters club, we try to be part of the world that is always looking ahead. This club is open to all!”
Rich Davis, communications director, explained how new members can now easily join Booters using a credit card or PayPal. Existing members can also renew their membership right from the website, www.computerbooters.com, or at a meeting. All of the workshops and descriptions up until January are listed on the website and the online calendar.
The general meeting speaker for November 7 will be Mike Long, a family man and the owner/operator of Advance IT Solutions in Mesa! Mike’s topic is “What’s Trending in IT,” and he promises highlighted and interesting computer knowledge. The computer margins are vast, offering both computer dangers and opportunities. Mike is experienced in both and delights everyone by answering the multitude of questions that he hopes will again come his way.
Membership is $36 per year for singles and $48 per year for two members at the same address.
Bill Phillips, class director, suggested signing up early to secure a spot for any of the November workshops you might want to attend. Sign-up sheets are always in the back of the room before and during the general meetings. He may also be reached by telephone at 480-895-8178 or by email at [email protected].
November Workshops:
November 6, 13 and 20 – Photoshop Elements, Janet Quade, 6:30 p.m.
November 8, 15 and 29 – Microsoft 10, Allan Levy, 6:30 p.m.
November 9 – Chromebook for Seniors, Rich Davis, 6:30 p.m.
November 13* – Avoiding Fraud & Scams, Microsoft staff, 8:30 a.m.
*Microsoft Store in Chandler Mall
Workshops are held in the Ceramics Room (A-8) at the Cottonwood Country Club.
Come early the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. for cookies and coffee and to meet other members while the meeting is being set up. Meetings are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Country Club’s Navajo Room (25601 Sun Lakes Blvd., off of Riggs Road).