Ed Robson Branch Library Manager Jenny Long
Kc Coller, Publicity Director
September 5 is the Computer Booters’ starting date for the new season! With that stated, know that the plans for guest speakers, workshops, the participating “Palo Verde Community Day” of the area’s participating clubs that join together to present an “open house,” meet and greet (coffee/cookies), pre-meeting gatherings and many “news” information submissions are lined up and ready to go. This is done for members and interested computer persons.
Summer is nearly over, and during that time, many of us have faced computer situations on our PC’s that have pushed our sanity limits. Timing is perfect to begin our meetings to hear from professionals concerning conditions and updates that might help clear those PC dilemmas. During this time, information of who to call or where to take our troubled source will probably be available.
One of the things we have in the Sun Lakes area available to us is the Ed Robson Branch Library. It is a climate-controlled safe area from the heat or monsoon thunder storms. It’s close by and has much to offer: commuters, books, tapes, chances to listen to local authors and others presenting their writings, plus lectures on various other topics: example birds, desert fauna, foreign travels and much more. Checking with the library scheduling is a “should do.”
Remember that “Cool Lady” Jenny Long, manager of our library? Seems computing is one of her passions and was revealed when she spoke at our May meeting, as she didn’t hesitate to overcome a computer glitch that greeted her.
We are delighted that Jenny has agreed to head this season’s list of guest speakers. She unfolds information of the available library resources for our use, both in the building and online. As before, library cards will be attainable after the meeting. Hope you’ll attend!
General meetings are held at the Sun Lakes Country Club’s Navajo Room at 25601 Sun Lakes, Blvd., Sun Lakes, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. You could come at 6:00 p.m. before the meeting to share coffee and cookies with other club members.
No Workshops are scheduled for September. They will begin in October with signup sheets available at all the General Meetings. Most workshops are “free” to members. Yearly membership is $36 per person and $46 for two at the same address.
Visit www.computerbooters.org to stay in touch with the club’s activities.