The Community Church of SunBird is a place where visitors feel welcome and residents enjoy a variety of pastors who faithfully serve in their gifts and ministries designed by God. Another pastor and passionate minister of Jesus Christ is our featured pastor for August, Al Fadi. He is a former Salafi Muslim from Saudi Arabia and founder of the Center for Islamic Research and Awareness (CIRA, International). CIRA’s mission and goal is to create awareness about Islam as a religion and political movement, and to give non-Muslims and Christians effective outreach tools to engage Muslims in effective Gospel conversations.Al Fadi came to the United States to pursue his college education in engineering. After he earned his Master of Science degree and began his career, he found that he enjoyed his work as an engineer, but God had another plan for his life. And after he became a Christian, God began to work deeply within his heart to share his newfound joy with others. He went back to school while working as an engineer to earn his Master of Divinity in Biblical Communication. He also holds a certificate in Islamic Apologetics. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with a research emphasis in early Christian and Muslim relations while focusing on radical Islam and Islamic domination.Al Fadi has stepped out in faith to follow our Lord’s leading by leaving his engineering career to pursue full-time work for CIRA International. Al Fadi is the researcher, editor, writer and translator for numerous ministries, including “Answering Islam.” He conducts international training missions, records short videos for Evangelism and Apologetics, produces podcast/radio shows on various topics related to Islam, speaks at conferences, disciples and trains men in Biblical Doctrine and many more areas of ministry. We are so blessed to have this energetic, faithful pastor coming to our church to preach and teach.Please join us 9:00 a.m. every Sunday in the ballroom for an engaging and compelling message from one of our gifted pastors. May God Bless Your Day!