We are happy to introduce one of our resident pastors, Larry Freitag. Here are a few thoughts he wants to share about “The Sufficiency of God.”
“My three-year-old great-grandson told me the other day, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, and that is all I need!’ I love that definition of Psalm 23:1: ‘The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.’ When we come to understand the sufficiency of God, we will realize that He is the answer to all that we need in our lives.
“When we speak of the sufficiency of God, we are speaking of the fact that He is totally and absolutely complete within Himself. There is nothing that can be added or taken away from God. That thought is incomprehensible for all of us, and the reason for that is that we have nothing to compare it to. When asked how big is God, I’m not sure that we can comprehend the completeness of the sufficiency of God. The more I’m made to understand how great He is, I then realize how small I am.
“I find it interesting that a person can work for years with someone and never really get to know them. We can go to the same church with another person and never really get to know them, and if I were to ask that same person, ‘Do you know God?’ they would answer, ‘Yes, I know God.’
“The truth is that we all know so little about God in comparison to what there is to know. God desires to make Himself known in an ever-increasing way in each of our lives. He wants to help us understand and experience the redemptive work of the Cross of Jesus, to know that it is sufficient to redeem us, and to reconcile us to God. Having accepted Jesus into our hearts, He gives the gift of eternal life to all who would believe in Him.
“God’s creation reveals His sufficiency. If you want to know how sufficient, how good something is, you look at how it performs. If you buy something with a guarantee and it doesn’t perform as promised, you can return it. All of God’s creation declares His sufficiency. Psalms 19:1 says, ‘The heavens declare the Glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.’ As I look up into the heavens and see the sun, the moon, and the stars, and then I look at the mountains, the rivers, and the trees, it’s then that I’m made to wonder at the greatness of God. It’s when I hold the hand of one of my great-grandchildren and I realize that my hand is so much bigger and stronger than that little hand, so it is with the hand of God. The hand that made all of creation is the mighty hand that takes hold of our small and weak hand. He says, ‘I will hold your hand, I will lead you, I will protect you, and I will provide for you. I’m sufficient to meet all that you have need of.’ His sufficiency is never lacking. He has promised to meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. ‘The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.’ He is sufficient. Make Him Lord of your life.
The Community Church of SunBird meets Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in the ballroom. Please come and join us as we learn more about God. See you there!