Change of Occupancy/Renters

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator

The HOA office is updating our renters list. According to the CC&Rs, “In the interest of preserving the property values of all Lots situated within the Property, the total number of Lots that may be offered for lease or rent by Owners is restricted to twenty percent (20%) of the Lots, which is Three Hundred Twenty-Seven (327) Lots.” In order to ensure this ratio is preserved, it is important that the HOA has accurate data on our rental properties. If we do not have a current rental agreement showing that a property has been occupied within the past 12 months, the home will be removed from our roster of rental properties.

As a reminder, all lease or rental agreements must be for a minimum of 30 days.

A SunBird Rental form must be completed for any change of occupancy in your home, along with a copy of the occupant’s driver’s license. According to Rules and Regulations, Article X, Section 1-C:

“Homeowners shall notify any potential renter(s) or lessee(s), or any other potential occupant(s), prior to signing or making any rental, lease, or other agreement(s) of occupancy, of the Age-Restricted Policy. A SunBird Rental form must be completed and submitted by mail, fax, or personal delivery each time a SunBird home has a change in renters or occupants. Homeowners must submit a copy of a driver’s license or birth certificate or other acceptable legal document of the potential renter(s) or lessee(s) or any other potential occupant(s) prior to signing any occupancy agreements indicating that at least one occupant is 55 years of age or older and that all other occupant(s) are at least nineteen (19) years of age to the SunBird HOA office by mail, facsimile, and/or personal delivery. Homeowners are responsible for any violations of the deed restrictions, rules and regulations, and other policies.”

Please help us with providing all of the above information at any time there is a change in occupancy in your home. If you are renewing a lease for an existing occupant, we will need the current renewal lease. Thank you for your cooperation.