Paullene Caraher
The Chair Yoga classes are for those who are not able to easily get down on the floor and get up again. Some can get down but cannot get up. And some have balance problems while standing. So, if you have this situation, this is the class for you. Towards the end of the class, there will be about 20 minutes of meditation. I do Nidra Yoga meditation with breathing exercises. This relaxes the body and relieves stress. I will give you exercises that you can do at home.
Classes are held at SunBird Golf Resort, Navajo Room, third floor, on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m.
Vacation: No classes the first two weeks of August. Morning classes will start on Tuesday, August 14.
Cost: If you pay for the three classes up front, it is $10; otherwise, $5 a class. There are three Tuesdays left in August.
In September, there are four Tuesdays. So, if you pay at the beginning, it will be $15 for the four classes. So, plan your time and make a commitment to come for the sake of your body. People already report that just after one class, they felt more energetic. I try to make the class economical for the participants. If you pay up front at the beginning of the month, it is less than $5 a class.
How do I sign up? Call or text Paullene Caraher at 602-292-7858 or email [email protected].