Richard Volpe December is the time to look back and remember all the good moments we have had sharing our lives with so many while we move into the festive future with the bright lights and the special moments, spending time with friends and family. As our club moves on to the holiday season, we…
Category: December 2023
December 2023, Clubs & Classes
Korean War Veterans
As we approach the holiday season, our club would like to thank you all for your support throughout the year and wish you all a happy holiday season. Sharing time with friends and family, wherever you may be, is time that makes these days so special and enjoyable for all. As we head into the…
December 2023, Clubs & Classes
AAUW: Supporting Local Girls and Women

In the coming months, the AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) will continue to offer events and programs to help our community’s young girls and women in a variety of ways. Here are a few highlights of what’s coming: In December, the Southeast Valley Branch will wrap up the year with…
December 2023, Clubs & Classes
Happy Holidays
December 2023, Clubs & Classes
Electronic Keyboards Are Needed
The Keyboard Connection is looking for replacements of the electronic piano keyboards for their group. Over the years, some of the keyboards have stopped working. Perhaps you have a keyboard you are not using and would like to put it to good use or would like to help fund the purchase of new keyboards. We’d…
December 2023, Community News
Medicare, Medicaid, and Related Benefit Information: Medicare Open Enrollment Is Here! October 15 through December 7
Think about any changes to your coverage you might want to make. Personalized objective assistance to seniors, the disabled, and caregivers is provided by volunteer counselors trained by the Area Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include basic information about Original Medicare (Parts “A” and “B”), Supplemental (Medigap) policies, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part…
December 2023, Community News
A Heroes Invitation
Kathy Sinnott The Arizona Heroes Memorial is currently under construction in Oro Valley. Briefly, this living memorial will honor Arizona residents who served (and serve) within the military, as well as those of the first responder and healthcare professions. Our heroes answered ‘the call of duty’ to secure our nation’s freedoms. Recently, our world has…
Community News, December 2023
Memoirs from Mama: That Little Christmas Tree
Kathleen Ismael For years and years I’ve had a large tree The smell of the pine remains with me! Popcorn strung by the children— Cranberries and paper chains made with glee. Beautiful ornaments hung on the tree. Pretty lights strung around and around, Old-fashioned birds, bells, and tinsel Would twinkle and make a nice sound!…
December 2023, Community News
Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!
Chandler Symphony Orchestra (CSO) and Neighbors Who Care (NWC) joins host Risen Savior Lutheran Church to announce the Deck The Holidays with CSO and NWC! Join us Sunday, Dec. 3 for two shows, one at 3 p.m. and one at 6 p.m., inside Risen Savior Lutheran Church Worship Center. Search for tickets on or Tickets are:…
December 2023, Community News
Word of the Month: Bildungsroman
David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow bridge player, Gayle Covey, writes, “This is a really favorite word; bildungsroman. My friend Judy taught me this word several years ago … and now it comes up all the time! All those YA (Young Adult) fiction writers, turning books into films … and, of course, it is the word describing…