The Sun Lakes Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America support group presents a program in November entitled Communication Toolkit: Chisel Your Skills with Aural Rehabilitation. Whether you have a newly-identified hearing loss or you are a seasoned user of hearing technology, aural rehabilitation can strengthen your communication toolkit. Kate Helms Tillery, a…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
New sessions of basic social dance classes in November
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
The calming force of Reiki
Lois Valleau We have an election coming up, and the politics appear to be laced with unkindness. Why the need to discredit and devalue another? Did “love thy neighbor” get lost? And the holidays may bring great joy to families, but there’s a rush to get everything done, and expectations are high. It is…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
Dance party update
The Sun Lakes Dance Party, sponsored by the Fun Lakers Club, is held in the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom, always on a Thursday. Schedule: October 18, November 15, January 17, February 21, March 21 and April 11. Note: The Holiday Dinner/Dance on Saturday, December 15, is not included in season package/ Doors open at…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
RSVP is needed for seating Chit and Chat
The Ladies Community Chit and Chat Breakfast Group will be meeting on the second, and not the first Wednesday. The second Wednesday is November 14, 2018, at Cottonwood Country Club in the Saguaro Room. RSVP is needed for seating. Come early for networking at 8:30 a.m. to meet new and former friends or stay…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
Lapidary Club begins a new year
The members of the SunBird Lapidary Club celebrated a successful 2017-18 year of new and creative opportunities and experiences with an End of Season Party on the patio in March. The year saw record membership and participation in the many free rock, glass and jewelry classes offered. This included the revitalization of the exciting…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
Water is Life on the Navajo Nation

Norm Noble The Sun Lakes Rotary Club has received a Rotary Foundation Global “Humanitarian” Water Grant to provide homes on the Navajo Nation with inside running tap water. Many of these people, our neighbors, presently have their water delivered weekly by a water truck into above-ground, 50-gallon holding barrels in their yards. These 50 gallons…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
American/German Club news
Frank Nechvatal Our October meeting was moved to Wednesday, October 24, as a dinner celebration of Oktoberfest. Our dinner included chicken schnitzel, German potato salad, veggie and dessert. Of course, Oktoberfest started back about 1810 as a celebration of Prince Ludwig’s marriage. The event was so well liked that the people of Munich decided…