Our “Search for God” study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful, and to be one with the…
Category: October 2014
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Al-Anon meeting notice
The new 12-step Al-Anon group meets Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceramics Room of the SunBird clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help for your peace of mind.
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
October free meditation classes
Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. When one sits quietly and settles down the mind, the body follows. If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind. Therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Spanish class to begin November 3 in SunBird
Hola amigos! Que pasa? Want to be able to chat with the server while eating in a Mexican restaurant? Or to be able to say, “Oh, es muy caro!” (Oh, it is very expensive)! If the answer to either of the above is yes, then join the Conversational Spanish class being offered at SunBird. As…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
SunBird American/Italian Club news
Frank Nechvatal The SunBird American/Italian Club will open this new season with its first meeting the second Tuesday of October (October 14). For this upcoming year our monthly meetings will be in the Horizon Room starting at 6:00 p.m. Sadly, we open this year with the passing of charter member Rudy Corrado in early September.…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Line Dancing with Judee
Dehydration, a trip to the ER and age have led me to this decision. Bad news – classes will be cut down in time. Good news – price is cut and I don’t have to quit teaching. It’s true. As we get older, we do get wiser! If you are reading this, yes, you may…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Free low impact aerobics class
Lillian Donley Join us Monday through Friday from 8:00-8:45 a.m. in the Ballroom. Get up and get started. Walk for good health in the coolness of the Ballroom. You’ll feel better. “A body in motion stays in motion.”
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
MS Encouragement Group
Treva Christenson The M.S. Encouragement Organization offers independent “encouragement groups.” The purpose of this group is to provide education, encouragement, self-empowerment and information to those affected, their families and care partners. The group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at noon except for November and December due to the holidays. Lunch is available…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Bunco class
Treva Christenson Come join us for Bunco on the first Friday of the month September through June. For more information call Treva Christenson at 480-273-8963.
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
SunBird Garden Club to meet November 7

Please mark your calendar and plan on attending the first 2014-2015 Garden Club meeting on November 7 in the Ballroom at 9:00 a.m. Guests are always welcome at these meetings. Garden Club historically uses the November meeting to make plans and get volunteers for what should be another exciting season. Our President Alice Whistler will…