The new 12-step Al-Anon Group meets Monday evenings at 5:00 p.m. in the Lakeview Room (located on the main level by the Pro Shop) of the SunBird clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help to increase your…
Category: September 2019
Community News, September 2019
SunBird improvement project
Community News, September 2019
St. Steven’s Respect Life Ministry posts fifth billboard
The generous financial assistance and prayers of St. Steven’s parishioners and members of the greater Sun Lakes and Chandler communities have enabled the St. Steven’s Respect Ministry to post a fifth billboard that this time shows unborn twin babies speaking for themselves. The billboard was erected on April 19, and will be up for six…
Community News, September 2019
New concrete on courts 1 and 2
Jenifer Walden Summer is almost over, and the fall tennis season will soon begin. We’re ready for all our club members to return for the season! It has been hot these past three months, but some of our men players have been sticking it out and playing Tuesday and Friday mornings. Go Guys! Our first…
Community News, September 2019
Community Church of SunBird enjoys inspiring messages
Jamie Morgan This summer, the Community Church of SunBird has been blessed with inspiring messages from our great pastors. We have six pastors who alternate on Sundays throughout the year. We have been introducing them to you this summer, and this month brings us another. Our featured pastor for September is John Kaites. He has…
Community News, September 2019
Getting to know you

Jeanne MacLaughlin is Unity Church of Sun Lakes’ new minister. In the June Splash, we shared her educational and spiritual background, and now here is a glimpse of her personal, human side. Jeanne was born in Wisconsin, the fifth child of six. This is her greatest joy, her loving and supportive family whom she will…
Community News, September 2019
New paint job
Clubs & Classes, September 2019
Healing with Essential Oils update
There will be no Essential Oil meetings in August. The next meeting is on Sept. 11. It was changed to the second Wednesday for this month. We will be making a blend to enhance the immune system. When your immune system is strong, you will rarely get sick. People around you may have colds and…
Clubs & Classes, September 2019
Line Dancing with Judee
Judee Curtis There’s a new saying that “Time flies even when we aren’t dancing!” Completing registrations for new dancers have me excited, so I’m getting organized, learning new dances, getting the playlist ready, and emailing the dancers, “Line Dancing with Judee restarts on Monday, Sept. 9, in the SunBird Ballroom.” If you are new and…
Community News, September 2019

New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program affiliated with Chandler-Gilbert Community College, will offer more than 80 classes and events between Sept. 30 and Dec. 13. Several of these focus in one way or another on travel. Carole and Ed Rockland will present “Travels on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.” The Rocklands will “discuss…