4th of July Flag Ceremony Thursday, July 4, Clubhouse Flagpole, 8:00 a.m. Join us in celebrating our country’s Independence Day with a short flag-raising ceremony held at 8:00 a.m. outside of the clubhouse at the main flagpole. Following the ceremony, the Horizon Room will have a short stack of strawberry and blueberry pancakes with whipped…
Category: Association News
Association News, July 2019
SunBird HOA dues – money hard at work
Fact or Fiction? Who really oversees the HOA finances? The HOA Board of Directors, the HOA Board Treasurer, General Manager Layne Varney, the HOA Board or is it the Finance Committee, our contracted CPA or the annual independent contracted auditor? Well, if you chose any one of those people or entries, you are partially correct.…
Association News, July 2019
Visit SunBird’s website
SunBird’s website has some of the latest news and information of what’s going on in SunBird. SunBird’s activities, meetings, calendars, clubs, groups and organizations have contact information that can be accessed at sunbirdhoa.com. Come visit us.
Association News, July 2019
Patrol Report
Thomas Catri It’s a dry heat, and the metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, residents again are gearing up for another brutal summer season. Remember everyone to protect yourselves from the extreme heat that can be deadly as temperatures regularly creep and stay in triple digits. Extreme heat is no joke and is known for being the deadliest…
Association News, July 2019
Notes from the Board Meetings
The Board of Directors had a Business meeting on May 20, 2019, in the SunBird Ballroom. The following are notes from this meeting: Members Present: Nancy Eckstein, Linda DiPalma, Tammy Bachofner, Shirley Clark, Dan Buescher, Gordon Lee and Layne Varney, General Manager President Nancy Eckstein called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Treasurer’s Report…
Association News, July 2019
SunBird’s email news group
SunBird has an email newsletter and special-notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for the SunBird email list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at sunbirdhoa.com and click on the icon picture of the email chimp (monkey) at the bottom of the…
Association News, July 2019
Due reminder
The second half HOA dues invoice was mailed the end of May and is due July 1 in the amount of $500. If you have any questions, please contact the SunBird office at 480-802-4901.
Association News, July 2019
It’s time to trim your palm trees

ACC Committee Now that the palm flowers have bloomed, it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. We are now in monsoon season, with the high winds and heavy rains; these palm trees leave unsightly debris throughout the community and can cause damage to your home or your neighbors’. If you are not in…
Association News, July 2019
Manager’s Report
It’s officially HOT here in SunBird! It was like someone just flipped the switch overnight from nice cool weather to way over into the triple digits of hot weather. The monsoon season officially began June 15, although at the time of this article, no storms have arrived at SunBird. We can expect at any time…